Local Prenatal and Postpartum Resources

This page is devoted to our constantly growing resources list of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum services for local families in Guam. Links and location details are included whenever possible for your convenience. Please reach out if you can’t find the referral you’re looking for, or if you know of a helpful listing to add!

Birth Centers & Hospitals

Guam Memorial Hospital - Tamuning

Naval Hospital Guam - Agana Heights

Sagua Managu - Marianas Physicians Group (Birthing Center closed) - Tamuning

Ultrasound Clinics & Pregnancy Care Centers

Guam Radiology Consultants - Tamuning

MDX Imaging - Tamuning

Safe Haven Guam - Asan

Guam Pelvic Rehab - Prenatal and postpartum pelvic support, classes

Breastfeeding Support

Postpartum Doula Support*

Guam Mamas Breastfeeding Support - Online

La Leche League of Guam - Monthly meetings in Hagatna

Guam WIC - Barrigada

Journey and Jewel Co. - Keepsakes, Breastmilk Jewelry

TLC - The Lactation Community at NMCRS

Rebecca Prasad BSN, RN, CLC

NMCRS Visiting Nurse


Sagua Managu - Breastfeeding Classes and More

Barbara Mafnas RN, MSN, LCCE

Patient Educator & Lactation Consultant


Tongue & Lip Tie Revision

Reflection Dental Guam - Hagatna

US Naval Hospital Guam ENT Clinic - Agana

Local Mom and Baby Boutiques

Airman’s Attic, NBG Thrift Store, The Wayward Thrift Shop

Baby & Me Guam - Micronesia Mall

Bonita Baby Guam - Online Shop

Cutie Petunias - Hagatna

Guam Baby Co. - Tamuning

Numa’lo Refillery - Chamorro Village

Stay Obsessed Shop - Micronesia Mall


Dr. Amy Chiropractic - Saipan and Tamuning Locations

Pacific Life Chiropractic - Tamuning

Prenatal Massage

Agana Day Spa - Agana Heights

Guam Serenity Massage - Hagatna

Hilton Guam Resort & Spa - Tamuning

Island Skin Spa - Tamuning

Natural Ginger Spa - Tamuning

Yoga Classes

Ina Wellness Collective

Mantrasana Fitness Studio - Hagatna

YogaChill - Tamuning

Local Facebook Groups

Cloth Moms of Guam

Guam Mamas Breastfeeding Support

Guam Military Mamas

Guam Military Spouse Connect

Guam Military Spouses

Domestic Violence and Mental Health Support

ALEE Women’s Shelter

Fleet & Family Support Center

VARO Guam (Hotlines)

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Support International Guam

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale - Self-Evaluation Only

Postpartum Depression Nutrition Plan

How to Heal a Bad Birth - Book

Other mental health support options include medication, professional counseling, and other methods of therapy like Cognitive Behavior Therapy or EMDR Therapy. For emergencies, please don’t wait to contact a professional or emergency services to get the support you need.

For assistance finding mental health support and resources, contact the Support Coordinator for Postpartum Support International Guam.